An adorable story of a fan girl sitting beside her fav singer and not recognising him! - Business World


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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

An adorable story of a fan girl sitting beside her fav singer and not recognising him!

An adorable story of a fan girl sitting beside her fav singer and not recognising him!

Dotan was trending on number one position on the Chinese social networking site. Though Dotan admitted to "not understanding a thing!

OK, so this amazing story starts like this - Dutch singer and songwriter Dotan live-tweeted something very interesting that he was experiencing at that moment in a plane that sort of baffled him. He was in a plane, sitting beside a young woman, who was listening to his songs one after the other, but completely failed to recognise him and even made him listen to one of his songs! Yeah, so, Dotan tweeted a hello to her, without revealing his identity to her, assuming that she would be following him on Twitter.
He wrote: “Thank you for listening to my music and singing along quietly”. Then he posted an update which showed the girl’s heartfelt apology and amazement, in a Facebook post, at knowing that she was sitting right beside her favourite music artiste and never recognised him. "How stupid I am for not recognising you...I wish you would have told me..."
All this is again going viral because someone recently shared the adorable story on China’s Twitter equivalent called Weibo. And Dotan was trending on number one position on the Chinese social networking site. Though Dotan admitted to "not understanding a thing!"
An amazed Dotan’s excitement knew no bounds as he started getting messages on Twitter. We bring to you how it all started. Here're the tweets that went out on July 31, 2017 and Aug 1, 2017:

Dotan, no doubt is a humble fellow and we would like to tell him that after his flight story got viral, he has hundreds of fans in India too, who have discovered his music thanks to the adorable story.

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